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鑫創電子股份有限公司特此聲明所有提供給客戶之產品皆為無衝突礦產之產品。鑫創電子股份有限公司亦正或將致力於詳實調查供應鏈確保:金 (Au)、鉭 (Ta)、鎢 (W)、鈷 (Co)、錫 (Sn) 這類金屬並非透過無政府軍團或非法集團,由剛果民主共和國衝突區域之礦區開採或是循非法走私途徑取得。此外,下列國家出口之金屬皆不符合「無衝突規範」剛果民主共和國 (DRC)、盧安達 (Rwanda)、烏干達 (Uganda)、蒲隆地 (Burundi)、坦尚尼亞 (Tanzania)、肯亞 (Kenya)(聯合國安全理事會認定上述國家皆為剛果礦脈之礦產)。本公司保證任何出售於客戶之產品所含金屬皆符合無衝突規範 (DRC Conflict-Free)。



  • 不購買從衝突地區來的衝突礦物。
  • 要求供應商拒絕使用從衝突地區來的衝突礦物,及簽署無衝突礦產的承諾書給鑫創電子股份有限公司。
  • 要求我司的供應商,需管理其上游及下游供應商,必須要遵循無衝突礦物的要求。
  • 盡我司的最大努力對物料來源,拒絕使用從衝突地區來的衝突礦物。


RoHS 承諾

The RoHS Directive stands for “the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment”. This Directive bans the placing on the EU market of new electrical and electronic equipment containing more than agreed levels of lead(Pb), cadmium(Cd), mercury(Hg), hexavalent chromium(Cr-VI), polybrominated biphenyl (PBB) and polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) flame retardants.

The directive comes into force across Europe on July 1st, 2006, from this date on all new electronic and electrical equipment manufactured for resale within Europe must meet the guidelines as set out by the directive, however, the directive does reference a list of categories and exemptions to be considered by producers (refer to your local RoHS legislation for details).

SINTRONES offers our full product line in compliance with the RoHS requirements per Directive 2011/65/EU. Before placing an order we suggest you to check the RoHS product availability web page or contact our sales office to obtain the latest availability information; orders of RoHS products will be accepted and processed only if the requested delivery date is compatible with the scheduled release date.
